That was truly smashing, chaps! (As my Irish-English au-pair “papa” in London would’ve said.) I laughed me head off several times—classic!

To answer your question: yes, “the lads” refers to the Irish guys I worked with. In Cork, “lads” was just what we’d say; nobody would’ve called them “the men.” And as far as I know, they’re all still alive and kicking… thanks to me walking away when enough was enough! It was quite the dramatic exit at the time. Now I can laugh, but back then, it wasn’t so funny, knowing that leaving that job meant leaving Ireland altogether. But here we are—it was worth the exit! Who knows what else will unfold?

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Thank you SO MUCH for this very fun submission!

So glad everyone got out relatively unscathed hehe and most importantly that you got out to do the beautiful and meaningful work that you do now! 🧡🧡🧡

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