Sep 29, 2023Liked by lauren deborah | she/they 🌈🐆

Love this, especially your lists! A reminder to be grateful for the little things.

Three things I miss from my time living in London:

- hanging out with my gorgeous little godson (who is all grown up now)

- the bagel shop that was open until all hours

- having my mum come down from Nottingham to visit for a week (she would always clean, cook dinner for me and come on trips with my class - the children LOVED her. I don’t know how she managed to get ten-year-olds singing and marching around to ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’! 😍

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Oh these are such lovely reflections, thank you for sharing Sarah!

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P.S Your Mum sounds fab!

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by lauren deborah | she/they 🌈🐆

I love the assurance that all is well by the time I read this. ♥️♥️♥️

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IT IS IT IS!!! We did it! 🧡

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by lauren deborah | she/they 🌈🐆

I love you :)

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by lauren deborah | she/they 🌈🐆

I was actually thinking of my own list of things I’ll miss when I leave Canada. And then I read your substack!!

I’m tempted to say I’ll miss... nothing (angry face), but I know that it’s not true so here’s the truth :

- I’ll miss my friends, my wonderful friends I made here and I haven’t processed yet that I will not see them every week anymore in a few weeks :(

- I’ll miss the tranquility and peace of mind of walking in the streets without being catcalled

- I’ll miss automn and pumpkin flavoured everything

- let’s face it I’ll miss marple syrup

Can’t wait to see you in your next adventure !!!

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by lauren deborah | she/they 🌈🐆

As an Agatha Christie fan I am pleased with what I assume was an auto-correct of miss maple to miss marple?!

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by lauren deborah | she/they 🌈🐆

Oops yes it is 😂

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MAPLE SYRUP! There is not enough checked baggage to get me through. I am going to miss poutine now I think of it!!!!!

Thanks for sharing this list, with you on the friends feeling. It is a wild feeling. Love you!

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by lauren deborah | she/they 🌈🐆

Safe travels!

A place I left...I have a lot of those. Seeing as it's on my mind (as Cuddles and I are completing our 2yr getting married thing by finally doing the legal vit - we already had the ceremony wnd stuff -there next weekend), Keele University. I didn't actually live on campus, but I lived in the area specifically for that, for 4 years.

It's where I met Cuddles.

It's where I met my non-Cuddles best friend.

It's where I studied my butt off for a dual degree.

It's where I turned up at the chapel and slowly wound up playing djembe most Sundays (I had a mini fan club, it was very weird), running Tuesday evening medatitive prayer spaces, and eventually started up an LGBT Christian/Non-Christian social club (which used to have to be kept secret so certain people didn't get all upset, but is now advertised openly for all to see).

It's where I made various other friends who I love so much and have been so glad to keep, in particular one of my tutors who I got close to over my time there.

It's where I saw more squirrels than I've seen in my entire life. They're the unofficial mascot, cos they're everywhere, and pretty friendly cos many generations have grown up around students by this point.

The Uni is at the top if a giant hill, the nearest town is at the bottom, and attached to a village, which makes it pretty unique.

There's a gorgeous woods. It's the most beautiful thing in autumn, and when it snows.

It has its own microclimate thanks to the location so it gets mire snow, but also all of the rain. It's a watershed for the area, so...wet. But that makes the spring and summer sunny days even more special.

It was a place where I learned I have brains and can use them.

I learned that I am apparently charming, ibtelligent, inquisitive, and a delight to have as a student.

Going there at 26 was ideal for me, I could take the enjoyment, didn't need to party but was still young enough to do stuff, and was old enough to have a different relationship with the tutors than the young'uns were.

I managed to write a dissertation each for my two subjects. I still have zero idea how I managed that. Pure stubbornness, maybe...

I do miss it still, sometimes. I'm glad we've been able to get married there (both times). It was an incredibly good 4yrs. I couldn't do it now, but it was amazing to get to do it then. And I absolutely made the right choice. I turned down one of our older, classical places to choose Keele - the place that once declared itself an independent state, complete with passports etc, to protest against Thatcher 😆

It was a good place and a good time, and I got so much more from being there than I can say. And also my Cuddles, which is the best everything 😍🥰

I just made Cuddles her favourite meal. The first thing I ever made for her: tuna melts. She adores them.

I love cooking. I can't do so much these days cos kf everything, but I love to when I can. If you ever get your butt over here, I'll cook you something nice 😁 I enjoy feeding people when I can!

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I smiled so many times reading this!

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I feel very close to this Substack and honoured to have been present to watch your writing magic in flow 💖 From one adventure to another L, this is what life is all about 💖 I smiled reading your list because for this first time ever reading your Substack I now understand so much & feel so lucky to have got to spend such intimate time in your world 🌎 so proud of you in a million ways & honoured to have been close-by to witness you closing this door & opening another. Let the fun begin x

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Thanks for being there in my moving madness, Lou!

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by lauren deborah | she/they 🌈🐆

Ah Lauren! Love this frank list of the goods and bads of a place. I've recently moved from London to the seaside and the only thing I miss is being around the corner from friends. Tis the most important thing innit? So pleased that you got to be in the effervescent presence of our much beloved @LIVINGANDLAUGHINGWITHLOU - I'm hoping I will get to hang out with her IRL someday!

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I feel this! I have moved a lot and that part never gets easier, but I get better at maintaining the friendships that are important to me 🧡🧡🧡

I CANNOT WAIT for the day I see two of the loveliest ladies in the same photo together!

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by lauren deborah | she/they 🌈🐆

First things first.

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🧡🧡🧡 Thank you.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by lauren deborah | she/they 🌈🐆

Safe travels and have a wonderful journey at your new destination. Enjoyed this post: so much resonating. Missing London and fave memory: after late night clubbing, I'd wake to friend making us French press coffee, toast and blackberry jam and we'd chat enjoying early morning. It was such a lovely simple way to appreciate peaceful friends, sunshine, and being. My time in London (and reflecting after), I learned a lot about being intentional about seeking peace/joy/space to emote cause sometimes the body just needs a cry and time to release all the bad. What you said resonates with me: "they will never understand you needing to pass on plans to pick up a shift." Some won't. And, I've grown deeply fond of friends who get this and know that some of the most fun gatherings can involve not spending cash and instead giving time to sit and talk, go for a walk, play board games, mid-day dance party with that portable speaker.

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Oooh this comment got me in a lot of the feels! Thank you for sharing these memories as they feel familiar even though not mine.

And so much yes to those low cost/no cost fun times. The funnest of times 🧡🧡

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