1. β€œThere were notes to be taken” for sure!

2.I think this woman and her phone clinched your decision to toss social media. I had a similar experience while exploring Tulum last month. I probably unintentionally photobombed 10 peoples’ selfies among the ruins...

3. Thanks for all the new Aussie terms!

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I laughed out loud to your unintentional photobombing. Ugh!!!!

And I think you are so right, I think she was the FINAL STRAW!! LIVE IN THE MOMENT, OSCAR!

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As I was reading I was wondering, in the back of my mind, if you were going to say something to her. Lol! But the ending...it was perfect! β€œ...in the moment!” She was a piece of work! Ha!

Also, I love the idea of keeping posts to a set word count! Such a good challenge, and great muscle to build!

Attending Buddha’s Birthday sounds like a magical thing! As does leaving IG. I go back and forth with that, myself.

Sending you big hugs! Happy weekend! Xx

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There were a million different endings that played out in my head, Scrubs style, like JD's daydreams. But ultimately I decided to embrace it and use her for my writing mwahahahaha. The ultimate revenge! 😎

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The best!! β™₯️

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Wow that sounded incredibly annoying. I am amazed at the restraint of everyone within hearing distance!

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We all just *tried to live in the moment* haha

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Your contemporaneous note-taking is brilliant. I know how good this is. Even being there, I could not have captured it so sharply and beautifully.

OMG Oscar! Her man. 'Did you get that everyone? He's mine, mine, mine. Draping her hands on his shoulder and tilting her head into his arm. The smoochy kisses. The selfies at 7.05 am [when we don't even want to speak at that hour.] That #$&! elbow right in front of me.

Those girls with their hairbrushes but it was the quiet third girl I loved best. While her friends preened and primped. she didn't give so much as one toss of her head and her hair remained roughly pulled back into a pony-tail.

Now I want an apple turnover and the beach. Again.

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The "Did you get that everyone? He's mine, mine, mine." made me laugh so unexpectedly that snot came out my nose.

This lady is just the gift that keeps on giving!

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Kept waiting to read β€œand we, as a combined group effort, threw her off the boat”. Hope the swimming and apple turnovers were lovely. PS King Haggy is basking in his feature glory and says thank you 🫢🫢🫢🫢

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Playing into my Scrubs style JD imagination, in which we did 😎😎

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You are so great at capturing people and bringing characters to life. I really enjoyed reading this!

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Aw thank you so very much Susannah! 🧑🧑🧑

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