This week’s volume is based on a writing prompt I did on New Year’s Eve, and found in a journal. It is written as a list and in some cases, I have added some present-day thoughts and reflections. I LOVE LISTS! Enjoy.
Prompt: Muscle Memory
Packing a suitcase (something I am doing today as I write this, adding the last-minute bits and pieces as I use them for the last time before I use them for the first time at my next location)
Cuddling my toddler niece
Picking up a pen
UNO (I hate to lose because I almost always win)
My skincare routine (SPF 50 thank you)
Cleaning a bathroom (something I did last night ready for departure)
Making toast (a favourite meal that requires no thought)
Looking up during fireworks (and protecting animals when applicable)
Long walks to nowhere
Downward facing dog
The lyrics to a song that makes me soar or crumble (as I type this a live version of Scar by Missy Higgins plays and I am transported back to year 7 and when I first converted to Triple J, had “Do I want to be with her or do I want to be her?” thoughts, Rage Saturday mornings watching music videos, and ultimately in this song found my go-to karaoke jam)
Raising a glass (how very NYE of me to add this)
Turning on the first lamp upon waking
Washing the dishes as I cook (not after!)
Breaststroke (no matter how long it has been since I was in a pool)
Checking my phone (the icky but still real item on this list)
Decorating a Christmas tree (and neatly packing everything away for next year)
Getting to a new space and setting up my journals next to my bed (as well as my battery-operated alarm clock on top of them, my notebook next to my laptop after I find the spot that will be my writing place, my skincare lined up in the bathroom in order of my routine…)
Removing my shoes as soon as I get to my accommodation after long travel (and curling my toes into fists on the carpet just like John McClane did)
Singing to plants as I water them (and almost always that being something from the Moulin Rouge soundtrack or The Beach Boys for some reason)
Writing lists (I really, really like writing them)
Removing my shoes, belt, hat and jacket at airport security (already starting to do so in line so I am not that person holding everyone up)
Mute and unmute (a skill most learned in lockdowns)
Peeling the page between my thumb and finger before I have made it to the end of reading the one I am on (so into the story my fingers are already excited for the next part)
Checking my calendar for the first thing in the AM before turning off my phone
Applying under-eye concealer (with the soft tap of a clean pinky or index finger)
Lovely reader, what does ‘muscle memory’ bring up for you?
I spend many hours a week writing, recording and preparing these love letters for you and it brings me so much joy. I want these to always be free so in order to support my work and keep these coming at no cost, you can:
🧡 forward it to just one friend! just one! telling them you love it, and you think they will too! or share it on your social media if you’re feeling super generous!
🧡 leave a comment on this post telling me what you think of this volume!
🧡 join the hi, lauren deborah! chat, another free space for fun and silly conversations! you can now access it through your desktop (scroll and click “open on web”) so you don’t need the substack app to join in on silly conversations discussing things like this:
here are three things I struggled with this week:
🥫 Trying to eat all the food I have left on this house sit because I am terrible at estimating what I will need for six weeks.
🐔 Leaving my chookies. I love these girls and I will miss chatting to them every day.
🧸 Knowing I am going back to Gordy and Moo’s and Gordy won’t be there. He will be in his new home, which is what is best for everyone, but still breaks my heart.
here are three blessings from this week:
☀️ My first Digital Sabbath Sunday was amazing. Truly perfection.
💗 By the time you read this I am reunited with Nanny!
🎙️ I recorded one of THE most exciting episodes of my podcast to date. I am thrilled for you to hear it and see who it is with!
here are three goals for the coming week:
🍁 Prepare for my Citizenship interview for Canada this week! I have been invited to the next, next step. So many steps! It will be so worth it!
🎨 Inspired by my pal, Jo’s recent post on finding her ‘painting’, which for her meant clay, I want to find my painting/clay. I think I know it is my silly drawing in my sketchbook and I just need to squash the fear of it being anything more than joyful and kick away self-doubt to enjoy it for me and me alone.
🧘 Continue to practice (the best that I can) the power of a pause.
here is something I enjoyed this week:
Have I shared this with you already? If so, who cares, I am sharing it again. For folks who sit at your desk all day, this is my fav. If this isn’t for you for any reason, this is just a reminder to find a way to break and move that works for you <3
pics or it didn’t happen:

I love you. I’m so grateful to those who read my substack 🧡 because I really love writing it to you,
When I listen to your letters, I feel as if I am right there in that moment. Nice work!
That’s so funny because I hate downward facing dog and am convinced I am being lied to when people say it’s a pose of rest. Give me child’s pose any day of the week (or even better savasana). Although I am also partial to a pigeon pose also