This week I discovered (while word-vomiting my tears to a dear friend) that my favourite saying/life motto…
“What are you willing to give up in order to have the life you keep pretending you want?” (thank you Elizabeth Gilbert)
…applies to more than I was letting my mind understand. I have applied it and as a result, I have shredded income to make time, therefore given up certain little luxuries and stayed in a lot more, I have stepped back from commitments that no longer serve me and I have sold items and given things away that have been weighing me down.
But during said word vomit, I realised that I also need to shed some people. This was tear-jerking and so powerful and pivotal.
Dear readers, “What are you willing to give up in order to have the life you keep pretending you want?” Let us know in the thread.
real talk, do I take my fav mug in my suitcase? will it make it? or do I part with it for 6 months?
It has become clearer and clearer to me that giving up external goals as signals/ ideas of what success looks like actually allows me to see that I am living the life that I am pretending I want already.
I do hear you. For me this has been a year of embracing new things and letting go of things and people that don't serve me any more. It's hard, but some people are just not good for me in my life right now, whether they were in the past, or whether I'm just finished with making excuses for them. I'm also trying to really listen to understand, and to accept the differences I have with people who are important to me. Not easy, but worth it. XO
I say take the mug - pack yer undercrackers in it xx
This is smart packing! Haha
It has become clearer and clearer to me that giving up external goals as signals/ ideas of what success looks like actually allows me to see that I am living the life that I am pretending I want already.
A thousand times yes! I love this for you so very much. Thank you for sharing and inspiring xx
I do hear you. For me this has been a year of embracing new things and letting go of things and people that don't serve me any more. It's hard, but some people are just not good for me in my life right now, whether they were in the past, or whether I'm just finished with making excuses for them. I'm also trying to really listen to understand, and to accept the differences I have with people who are important to me. Not easy, but worth it. XO
So worth it, but also so glad to hear you're able to see when it is no longer serving you or the life you want. Thank you for sharing xx
Re: your mug. You already have the phrase in your heart. The physical reminder isn’t necessary 😊
THIS is a lovely reminder, thank you friend xx