it has been so long since I travelled I forget.... lol xxx

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Why travel when you live in such a gorgeous place in gorgeous company?

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I hope RHCP is on your calendar!! 😜♥️

If I’m going to be someplace for a while, I try to find the local honey. I’ve heard it helps build up an immunity to potential allergens/ local stuff your body may not be used to. I don’t know if that’s true, but even if it isn’t, you’ve still got a jar of honey!

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I LOVE THIS! I also always just get a little congested after being on a plane or something anyway so this sounds divine.

Even if it doesn't work it is delicious, right? I want to borrow this tip for sure.

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Go on HappyCow (app/website) and find a vegan place to try out. There’s nothing like the excitement of trying out a new vegan place... we get a bit carried away :-D. And looking up the local tango scene to find out where to go dancing. Having said that, I’m at a time in my life where everything seems to have changed and I almost don’t recognise myself any more. Instead of tango I spend more time traipsing across fields, feeding cows, cuddling sheep and taking tractors rather than Ubers. How did I ever start getting ready to go out at 9pm when I want to be in bed by then 😂😂. And also... going somewhere new? Haven’t left my animal babies apart from an overnight for work 😂

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THANK YOU for telling me about HappyCow! This is awesome.

Also, yes, my bedtime used to be my getting ready time and I applaud younger Lauren, thank her for her service and acknowledge that will never be me again haha xx

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Loooooool. Couldn’t have put it better xx

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Check out the bathroom situation is. Will I be able to comfortably stand under the shower? Is there a bath and if yes, how uncomfortable will it be for me actually lie in it? What’s the miniature toiletries situation like?

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Ooooh yes, all very important inventory.

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