I have learned that my gut is infinitely smarter than my front-brain logic. I've ignored it before and always learned the hard way to not do that.

So, now I trust it. Don't get me wrong it does lead me into trouble sometimes, but only in a way that's necessary (like saying something I maybe shouldn't, only having said that then leads me or someone else (or both) in the right direction.

My habit of immediately saying yes to a new thing is definitely a product of my gut. That sometimes needs to be curbed, because my gut has refused to accept that I have disabilities and stuff 😆 So sometimes I have to use logic brain first rather than second, but we get on pretty well with things these days.

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"But we get on pretty well with things these days". I am so happy to read that. It's all learning right? All you can do is your best and it sounds like you are doing great.

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Yeah. It takes a lifetime to learn some things, all you can do is keep taking lil steps forwards!

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Such a good reminder 🧡🧡

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At nearing 50, I have only started really listening to it in the past ten years. It took a lot of growth and practice to be able to do so. In a talk I heard Gabor Mate give one time, he spoke about how when people experience trauma when they are children, they learn to ignore their gut because it is giving opposing messages to what the brain identifies as necessary to survival. It's why our own logic and gut often don't match. That was really eye opening (and mind opening) for me.

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Wow, that's so fascinating and also makes perfect sense, too. Thank you so much for sharing


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My gut is pretty hard to ignore, and I feel very uncomfortable if I even try. It never steers me wrong. I trust it implicitly.

Also, like the previous two commenters, I ♥️ Titus!

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I LOVE LOVE LOVE this for you. YES!

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I will never see Pinot Noir ever again without thinking of Titus. My relationship with my intuition is all over the place these days, I'm not super in touch with it, but it does kiss some of my decisions

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Titus is everything. Adore, adore, adore!

I love that "It does kiss some of my decisions", that is really beautiful.

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Re: Kimmyyyyyy! That was a hilarious show. Titus is my favorite unhinged character.

When I am on a slower pace, my intuition and I are in sync. When I want to ignore it then I know I’m off track. It took time to trust my inner knowing after so many years of silencing/ignoring it. It’s still a practice.

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100% Titus forever! I never knew I could love a TV character in that way until we met him.

I love that you are so aware of when it is in sync and when it isn't. That's really powerful and totally a practice. Thank you for sharing.

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