I picked up a free magazine and wouldn’t you know? Someone out there is as in love with Miley as I am and wrote a whole darn spring horoscope based on her!
Jump in the thread and tell me, what’s your sign telling you this spring?
Me? I am off to date myself and treat myself! (Like I needed an excuse?) 💐💐💐
Don't be so robotic because I might start trying to murder everyone...
I mean.
But look, horoscope, I turn 40 in 6 days, and it's so weird that I hit this age I never even thought about because no part of me ever considered that I might. It's a very confusing set of feelings. So frankly I think I'm entitled to robotically murder whoever I please. At least for this month 🤖
You know what's hilarious, my horoscope here is all about the song Flowers which is fitting as about half an hour before this dropped into my inbox I had just written a whole list about the fun shit I do on my own
Don't be so robotic because I might start trying to murder everyone...
I mean.
But look, horoscope, I turn 40 in 6 days, and it's so weird that I hit this age I never even thought about because no part of me ever considered that I might. It's a very confusing set of feelings. So frankly I think I'm entitled to robotically murder whoever I please. At least for this month 🤖
Birthday monthhhhhhhhhhh! Happy birthday!
Oh my God, Becky! This is as wild as the “Smell Your Zodiac Sign” display I encountered at a weird-ass boutique.
This is wild and perfect all at once. Haha. Truly wish I had this much time on my hands BUT it has brought me much entertainment.
Joining the choir of Aquarius ♒️ and going to get those flowers 💐
Aquarius Icons, assemble! Get those flowers!
You know what's hilarious, my horoscope here is all about the song Flowers which is fitting as about half an hour before this dropped into my inbox I had just written a whole list about the fun shit I do on my own
Sophie you are the queen of doing fun shit on your own and you have inspired so many of my dates with me. Thank you, legendary Aquarius!