📍Written with a sleepy tea by my side after tucking tiny sibkids into bed, on Gubbi Gubbi Country, otherwise known as The Sunshine Coast, while real rain drummed the roof of the caravan and I ditched my headphones and usual thunderstorm soundtracks.
🎤 Upcoming Shows:
Funny Coast Comedy at Solbar, Maroochydore - July 2nd, 7pm
I Forget:
What it is like not to worry about what time it is
My first day of school
Play being instinctual
Feeling too tired to sleep
Being scared of storms
Not having an email address
What being sad to leave the park feels like
Learning to ride without training wheels
What no schedule feels like
My first swim
The reasoning behind what sibling got picked on
Being tucked into bed
Wanting adults to be my best friend
Picking books out from the school library
What I drew with chalk on the ground
The first song lyrics that I wrote
When I really wanted a mobile phone, not knowing the burden it would become
Being scared of dogs
My first words
Having my chocolate cereal intake monitored
The taste of ham and cheese toasted sandwiches
Crawling into a parent’s lap
Not knowing what the internet is
Grass-stained clothes and muddy shoes
Yoghurt as my favourite treat
How to play most yard games
Being read to at night
Getting straight back up and running right after falling and scraping layers of skin off
Sunglasses being for fun
Fighting over what character I get to be
How fast the school holidays go
Musical night lights and cracked-open doors to let the hallway glow in
Ladders into bed
Middle of the night nosebleeds
Spending an hour drawing a picture as a gift for someone else
Not being trusted when I am being too quiet
The fear in my sibling’s eyes when I landed and they’re the ones who tripped me
Writing notes slid under doors and not having group texts
Chocolate milk in no-spill cups
The sound of a car pulling up at home after work and running out to meet it
Energy without coffee
Not having notifications
A box of dress-ups for every imagined version of me
A bed filled with stuffed animals
The bliss of being a child.
Lovely reader, head into the comments and tell me what you forget from your childhood.
here are three things i struggled with this week:
📴 Switching off.
🧱 Pivoting from structure.
👂 Asking tiny humans to repeat themselves over and over is no fun, but my hearing is struggling more and it takes wanting to be a good aunty to realise.
here are three blessings from this week:
☕ Warm winter mornings with pink skies and a moon out past its bedtime.
🛝 Play, with the best people to remind me how.
📚 Library books.
here are three goals for the coming week:
🫶 Show up as the best I can be.
🪩 Daily dance breaks.
🛟 Life on life’s terms.
pics or it didn’t happen:
I love you. Now I am off to play several more hours of Red Light, Green Light in the sunshine with uncontrollable laughter filling the yard.
How many times this week I have yearned to be a kid again…
I love this! I forget many things. I forget having the time to play Lego for hours on end, maybe I could find some time.