
🌈 Trevor Campbell

on following the path that lights you up

This episode of My Dad Stole My Limelight was recorded with Squadcast!

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resources, with love

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email the pod (say hi or send in a limelight-stealing story of your own): mydadstolemylimelight@gmail.com


Am I delighted about this episode? Yes indeedy! This week I got to sit and chat with the wonderfully kind and talented Trevor Campbell, who is a writer and the host of the (very awesome) podcast You Made Me Queer.

In this episode:

-Trevor and I reflect on the beauty that is hosting these kinds of conversations to better discover ourselves!

-I was in no way intimidated to be in the host seat with one of the best podcast hosts in the game in the guest seat. Nope. Not at all.

-Yay to recontextualising the queer experience from one of trauma, pain or shame to one of joy and humour!

-Trevor and I would both like this episode to go viral so we both get book deals, please and thanks!

-Air quotes or bunny ears? You tell us!

-We have both felt the need to, as Trevor so perfectly put it “move into something that has already been packaged” before we figure out where we go from there and continue to grow!

-‘Gender Fatigue’ is a term Trevor introduces me to in this episode and it is enlightening, to say the least!

-“Does this light me up? Yes or no?” and life can be that simple.

-Get your journals ready! We have prompts!

-Toxic masculinity ruins everything! Including being gay and coming out!

-We are two wonderful queers that got through Catholic school education to be the fabulous selves that we are today!

-We pour a glass out for every person who dated someone who was secretly queer, we have been on both sides of this! We love you!

-Ja’mie intimidated me as a teenage girl and not for the reasons you might think!

-This conversation is just a huge warm hug, enjoy!

-Rhea Perlman is the best!


Connect with my guest:

-Follow YMMQ on Instagram! @youmademequeer 

-Listen to YMMQ!

-Visit Trevor’s website! trevorcampbell.ca


🌈 Queer joy of the week!

spotted in my neighbourhood

(I want Queer joy from the community! Email me your photographic, artistic, meme, written work or other joy to mydadstolemylimelight@gmail.com so I can share it with the community!)

🌈 5-star review showcase.

thank you for all of the love following the live show last week! here is a fav

(Give us a 5-star review to see your message here!)


podcast production and editing made possible by: Alexi Johnson and the team at @604podnetwork

theme music: Shawn Kangro

logo art: @raphe.ca


love you!

lauren deborah (she/they)


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