I mentioned in Season 3, that we were going to get my Dad, Al — the limelight stealer himself — here to open each season with me and we are here to deliver on that promise.
Al first made an appearance last season to talk about his coming out and his journey to be the “happy gay man” that he is today. To open this season, I rebel against all my strong family traits, or the family heirloom if you will, of poor communication and instead bring the communication skills I built and have grown to love, into the family dynamic. As a result, you will learn a lot more about both Al and me and we teach each other about ourselves too!
In this episode:
Al shares the joy that comes with someone coming out to him!
I reveal to my Dad a dream that I had the night before he came out to me!
Al tells me if he ever had an inkling of my sexuality before I told him!
We talk about Muriel’s Wedding! (Iconic!)
Al talks about his feelings about the evolution of the word Queer!
I tell Dad about demisexuality!
Dad talks about his first experience at a Queer venue!
🌈 Queer joy of the week:
🌈 5-star review showcase:
resources, with love
be a guest on MDSML
listen to my dad stole my limelight 🌈here
more of the pod and LD here
love you!
lauren deborah
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