Ella is BACK! I am so excited to welcome my wonderful niece onto the pod yet again to share the journey she has been on since the last time I sat down with her. Ella wants to help people feel better if they’re a little in the middle like she says she is.
In this episode:
-We cry at reality TV! And we love that for us!
-Jake Peralta is a queer icon and helped Ella with her journey!
-Ella is a fucking legend and teaches me so much about honouring her boundaries and honouring her “no’s”!
-The kids are alright! Bless younger pals who teach us so much, no matter what age! This goes for Ella and I!
-I get really protective and proud as an aunty at one point and I AM NOT SORRY!
-Converses are a queer uniform, and multiple pairs make you very, very cool. Thank you!
-Ella hasn’t changed! It’s how she has been portraying herself that has changed!
-Follow Ella on IG! @_ellafulla_
🌈 Linked here is an article you might like.
(Do you have one you want to share? That you wrote? Send it to me mydadstolemylimelight@gmail.com)
🌈 Queer joy of the week.
(I want Queer joy from the community! Email me your photographic, artistic, meme, or other joy to mydadstolemylimelight@gmail.com so I can share it with the community!)
🌈 5-star review showcase. OKAY! Sometimes we have no new 5-star reviews but emails like this are beautiful to get! (But go leave us a 5-star review)!
(Give us a 5-star review to see yours here! USE THE POWER AS YOU WISH!)
resources, with love
be a guest on MDSML
email the pod: mydadstolemylimelight@gmail.com
podcast production and editing made possible by: Alexi Johnson and Alistair Ogden
logo art: @raphe.ca
music: Shawn Kangro
follow the podcast network: @604podnetwork
love you!
lauren deborah
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